Wednesday, April 27, 2005

An unworthy goal

Another aging baby-boomer friend was lamenting his 56th birthday. He said he thought for sure he would have died by now and had been counting on it; he felt betrayed that he was still alive! He said that now he will just have to rethink his maximum age.

I told him that it is stupid to have death as a goal. That is one goal we do not have to set for ourselves! It is one that we will all successfully reach (or so they say). Death, the universal goal, the tape we all will break no matter how fast we run or how slow we crawl. So why not enjoy the course, stop and talk to the spectators along the way, and sometimes even walk the other direction? Why do we have to be so focused on reaching the end?


At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we have to be so focused on reaching the end?

Hehe, what you wrote is a funny and I'm sure common anecdote. The ego lets us betray ourselves when what we make up doesn't come to pass. I doubt your friend was betrayed by not dying but completely from not controlling.

Either way, we die in every moment. We define each and every moment by breathing in it. Reminds me of this quote, "That which has been successfully defined has been successfully killed". If you see the Buddha, kill the buddha.

We are not in between posts. We are not between birth and death. There is not age to die by. If one wasn't counting earth rotations at all, there could be no disappointment. But the ego LOVES its scales from the anorexia fueling weight scale, to the earth/solar rotation count. It's all stupid nonsensical form, which the ego needs to be itself.

At least, that's what it feels like to me. :)


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