Sunday, April 02, 2006

The miracle of life

Somebody I know said: "I guess its just scary and upsetting to think that there's no real "me" in here and i'm just a bunch of chemicals...."

My reply: THAT is the miracle of life! I have seen a human body reduced to only its solid parts; it is truly just a bunch of dry chemicals, dust. But put that dust together with 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen, and you will get. . . mud. Yet there you are, in your dust mixed with water, in that bunch of chemicals, alive as alive can be. There is a real you in there, one that is not static but in flux, always changing, always growing, always learning. Another part of that miracle is that if you lost your legs, lost your arms, lost other parts of that collection of chemicals, you would still be you! So you are the bunch of chemicals, yet you are more than that and you are other than that.


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