Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Had a heart attack

On Feb. 10, 2009, I was taken to a hospital in severe pain and vomiting from my kidney stone. Long story short, on Feb. 11 they put in a right ureteral double-J stent. This released infection but also forced it into my blood, I went into septic shock, lost my blood pressure, had a heart attack, and spent a week in the ICU (I lived, by the way, surprisingly!!). I nearly got to experience all this stuff I have been wondering about.

In March I had lithotripsy. In April I had a tiny remaining piece of the stone lasered out and the stent removed and replaced. In May I had the new stent pulled out, and the kidney episode seems to be OVER, all infection, stone, and pain gone. Now I have to deal with the heart damage. I have an appointment tomorrow with a cardiologist.


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